Introduces the x86 instructions with examples of how they are used and examines 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit programming of x86 microprocessors. Uses fragments of programs from the IBM PC technical reference to show the real-world approach to programming in assembly, and ensures an understanding of binary and hex numbering systems before delving into assembly language programming. Now exposes readers to many new areas, including bit-manipulation in C; INT 16H and key press detection; INT 33H mouse function calls; interrupt programming in C; mouse programming in C and assembly; and putting assembly codes in C programs.
Offering readers a real "hands-on" experience, this clearly written, visually appealing guide covers the implementation of assembly language programming in an easy-to-follow, step-by-step approach. Combining assembly and C programming early on, it uses the Debug utility to first show what action instructions perform, then provides programs to demonstrate their application. Numerous examples, problems, and review questions otter continual reinforcement throughout.
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