Media, Myths, and Narratives Television and the Press
- Binding: Paperback
- Publisher: Sage Pubns
- Publish date: 02/01/1988
Introduction - James W Carey Taking Culture SeriouslyPART ONE: OVERVIEWSTelevision, Myth and Culture - Roger SilverstoneTelevision as an Aesthetic Medium - David ThorburnMyth, Chronicle and Story - Elizabeth Bird and Robert W Dardenne Exploring the Narrative Qualities of NewsPART TWO: TELEVISIONOne Night of Prime Time - Horace Newcomb An Analysis of Televisions Multiple VoicesDallas and Genesis - Tamar Liebes and Elihu Katz Primordiality and Seriality in Popular CultureThe Mary Tyler Moore Show and the Transformation of Situation Comedy - Thomas ZyndaTelevision Stardom - Jimmie L Reeves A Ritual of Social Typification and IndividualizationTelevision, Myth and Ritual - Stewart M Hoover The Role of Substantive Meaning and SpatialityPART THREE: THE PRESSThe Watergate Audience - Michael Cornfield Parsing the Powers of the PressOn Journalistic Authority - David L Eason The Janet Cooke ScandalWhat is a Reporter? The Private Face of Public Journalism - Michael SchudsonRupert Murdoch and the Demonology of Professional Journalism - John Pauly
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