The New Wars of the West covers the dramatic world events which unfolded from September 11, 2001 to the current operations in Iraq. Many books have been written on the war on terror, but none include contributions from so many top military and political leaders. These contributions, from some of the leading political and military thinkers in the United States and Great Britain, are linked by a series of essays to form a compelling narrative of the new way of war. In their own words the key decision-makers such as Secretary for Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Perle and British Defense Secretary, Geoff Hoon talk about the strategic dilemmas. The military implementation of the political decisions is discussed by leaders such as the head of the US Air Force and the British Royal Navy's First Sea Lord. Highly charged critiques by anti war British member of parliament. George Galloway MP are also included, as well as Iraq's former deputy prime minister, Tariq Aziz, who was interviewed on the eve of the war. Senior foreign correspondents such as Channel Four's Lindsey Hilsum add their own front-line assessments. In addition, leading academic analysts such as Dr. Paul Cornish and Dr. Gary Samore put the political and military debates in context. A foreword to the work is written by leading US Military Historian, Stephen Tanner. Dr. Paul Moorcraft, Gwyn Winfield and John Chisholm are security experts who work on the editorial team of the Defence Division of Surrey House which produces a range of security magazines including Defence International. NBC International and Resilience. They have traveled widely in the zones of conflicts to conduct the interviews and to contribute the linking texts.The New Wars of the West is an important contribution to one of the most divisive conflicts in modern history. It will appeal military specialists, students of international relations, journalists and to anyone who is concerned about how the international war on terror is being transformed into a clash of civilizations which could last for decades.
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