Bohm and Walker's thought-provoking volume addresses many of the American public's misconceptions about crime and criminal justice. These understandings are often inaccurate and based on myths. Each of this anthology's 27 chapters demystifies or debunks one of these current myths, setting the record straight.DEMYSTIFYING CRIME AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE is organized to follow a logical progression through the criminal justice process. Part One addresses myths about crime; Part Two examines myths about law enforcement; Part Three investigates myths about the administration of justice; and Part Four focuses on myths about punishment and corrections.A unique feature of the book is that every chapter follows the same format. Each chapter opens with a brief section introducing a myth or a set of myths about a particular topic. Next follows the ?Kernel of Truth? section, which identifies accurate aspects of the myth or myths. The authors assume that for myths to be believable and accepted, they usually must contain at least a kernel of truth. In the third section, ?The Truth or Facts,? the authors debunk the myth or myths by providing evidence. This is followed by ?Interests Served by the Myth,? which illuminates how the interests of specific individuals or groups are promoted by the creation and perpetuation of the myth or myths. Finally, ?Policy Implications of Belief in the Myth? highlights some of the practical and often undesirable consequences of belief in the myth or myths.Written in clear, accessible language, DEMYSTIFYING CRIME AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE engages the reader with straightforward analysis, cutting-edge information, and research. Designed to stimulate critical thinking and class discussion, this mindset-challenging volume offers students a deeper understanding of crime and criminal justice.
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