Contents: Sarah F. Donachie: Unwriting the 'Amazone': Gender Trouble in Stendhal's Lamiel - Julie Summers: The Economics of Love: The Deal in the Drama of Bernard-Marie Kolts - Sarah Hartshorn: Le Couple : Male-Female Relations and the Viability of the Heterosexual Couple in the Work of Marie Cardinal - Sophie Timmerman: Obsession et frustration: dpasser l'rotique dans Vaste est la prison et La Femme sans spulture d'Assia Djebar - Nicole Fayard: Sadeian Sisters: Sexuality as Terrorism in the Work of Virginie Despentes - Elizabeth Newton: Perception and Power: The Phenomenology of Sexuality in Robbe-Grillet's Film and Fiction - Jonathan Hensher: From Innocent to Indecent: Eroticism and Visual Punning in Cochin's Illustrations to the Roland Furieux - Alisair Swiffen: Double Helix: Two Blueprints for an Erotics of Modernism.
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