Workshop Innovative Internet Community Systems 2004.- Random Walks in Distributed Computing: A Survey.- A Simulation Analysis of Multiagent-Based Dynamic Request Placement Techniques.- Contributed Papers.- IP Networks Quality of Service: Overview and Open Issues.- Efficiency of Wireless Local Area Networks in Clients Moving at High Speed.- Ant-Based Data Traffic Splitting for Application-Based Routing.- Search Methods in P2P Networks: A Survey.- A Formal Framework to Reduce Communications in Communication Systems.- Quality of Service on a Distributed Virtual Reality System for Robots Tele-operation over the Internet.- A First Approach to Build Product Lines of Multi-organizational Web Based Systems (MOWS).- New Technical Services Using the Component Model for Applications in Heterogeneous Environment.- Toward an Agent-Based Platform for Learning Objects Management.- Notes on Agent-Oriented DBMS Toward a Robust KDBS.- Anticipative Emergence in Environment Virtual.- Towards Logical Hypertext Structure.- Calculating Communities by Link Analysis of URLs.- Automatically Building Concept Structures and Displaying Concept Trails for the Use in Brainstorming Sessions and Content Management Systems.- GeDA-3D a Middleware Useful to Handle the Evolution in Behavioral Animation-Based Virtual Worlds with a Multi-agent Architecture.- A Mathematical Model for the Transitional Region Between Cache Hierarchy Levels.- Workshop Computational Epidemiology.- From Medical Geography to Computational Epidemiology - Dynamics of Tuberculosis Transmission in Enclosed Spaces.- An Infectious Disease Outbreak Simulator Based on the Cellular Automata Paradigm.- Agent-Based Simulation Tools in Computational Epidemiology.- Workshop Optimization of Urban Traffic Systems (OUTS).- ITSUMO: An IntelligentTransportation System for Urban Mobility.- Automatic Bottleneck Detection Based on Traffic Hysteresis Phenomena: An Application to Paris Highway Network.- Are Static and Dynamic Planning Approaches Complementary? A Case Study for Travel Demand Management Measures.- On-Request Urban Transport Parallel Optimization.- A General Multi-agent Modelling Framework for the Transit Assignment Problem - A Learning-Based Approach.- OLSIM: Inter-urban Traffic Information.
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