The History of Philosophy is considered in Germany as the best concise manual upon the subject from the school of Hegel. Its account of the Greek and of the German systems is of special value and importance. It presents the whole history of speculation in its consecutive order. Though following the method of Hegel more extended lectures upon the progress of philosophy, and though it makes the system of Hegel to be the ripest product of philosophy, it also rests upon independent investigations. After a general view of pre-Socratic philosophy, Dr. Schwegler delves deeply into The Ionic Philosophers, Pythagoras, Anaxagoras, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Stoicism, the Transition to Modern Philosophy and Descartes, Spinoza, Locke, Hume, Liebnitz, Kant, Hegel and more. Translated from the First Edition of the original German by Julius Seelye and revised from the German Edition the English translation was first published in 1856. Dr. Albert Schwegler's Geschichte der Philosophie was a celebrated part of Alfred Nobel's personal collection/library.
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