"After Life" is a psychological suspense tale set in a community of spiritual mediums in present-day upstate New York, a place called Train Line. The novel opens with a young woman, Naomi Ash, who is disposing of the body of her newly-dead lover. Cut to her early life in New Orleans, where Naomi was raised to do parlor tricks as the daughter of a fraudulent but well-meaning medium mother. Coming of age in this unusual environment of card readers, Ouija aficionados, Message Services and Psychic Fairs, Naomi discovers her own nascent talents as a clairvoyant, and begins to distinguish true vision from quackery. Shortly thereafter, she falls in love with a young graduate student who blows into town, and into her life. Naomi and Peter fall in love, but all is not well in Train Line. The economics of tourist-driven spiritualism are difficult ones, and the relationship deteriorates over the course of a harsh winter. Ten years later, when Peter's skeleton is discovered, the mystery of his death must inevitably be uncovered as well. At the same time, Naomi Ash must come to terms with her mother, her visions, what is fraud and what is real, and the ever-constricting community of Train Line, with its flesh and blood denizens as well as its ghosts.
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