Being Catholic, Being American: The Notre Dame Story, 1934-1952, continues the work of Robert E. Burns' first volume and traces the major events under three important university presidencies. The book focuses first on the successful period of academic improvement and facilities expansion during the presidency of Father John F. O'Hara, C.S.C., then on the intrusion of pre-WWII partisanism during the time of O'Hara's successor, Father J. Hugh O'Donnell, C.S.C., and finally on the academic freedom crisis and the leadership of O'Donnell's successor, Father John J. Cavanaugh, C.S.C.
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Burns explores how the controversial career of Father John A. O'Brien during the 1930s forced American Catholic religious authorities to address the questions surrounding the role of theologians in the Church, describes inside stories on NotreDame football under Layden and Leahy, and celebrates the people who contributed to the history of one of the most intriguing American universities.

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