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Birds in Kansas (volume1)

by Max C. Thompson

  • ISBN: 9780893380274
  • ISBN10: 089338027X

Birds in Kansas (volume1)

by Max C. Thompson

  • Binding: Paperback
  • Publisher: Univ Pr of Kansas
  • Publish date: 08/01/1989
  • ISBN: 9780893380274
  • ISBN10: 089338027X
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Description: Preface Introduction A Brief History of Ornithology in Kansas Bird Distribution and Vegetation Explanation of Species AccountsSpecies Accounts: Loons and Grebes -Red-throated Loon -Pacific Loon -Common Loon -Pied-billed Grebe -Horned Grebe -Red-Necked Grebe -Eared Grebe -Western Grebe -Clark''s Grebe Pelicans -American White Pelican -Brown Pelican Cormorants and Anhingas -Double-crested Cormorant -Olivaceous Cormorant -Aninga Frigatebirds -Magnificent Frigatebird Herons -American Bittern -Least Bittern -Great Blue Heron -Great Egret -Snowy Egret -Little Blue Heron -Tricolored Heron -Cattle Egret -Green-backed Heron -Black-crowned Night Heron -Yellow-crowned Night Heron Ibis -White Ibis White-faced Ibis -Roseate Spoonbill -Wood Stork Flamingos -Greater Flamingo Whistling-Ducks -Fulvous Whistling-Cuck -Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Swans -Tundra Swan -Trumpeter Swan Geese -Greater White-fronted Goose -Snow/Blue Goose -Ross'' Goose -Brant -Canada Goose Ducks -Wood Duck -Green-winged Teal -American Black Duck -Mottled Duck -Mallard -Northern Pintail -Gargeney -Blue-winged Teal -Cinnamon Teal -Northern Shoveler -Gadwall -Eurasian Wigeon -American Wigeon -Canvashack -Redhead -Ring-necked Duck -Greater Scaup -Lesser Scaup -Common Eider -King Eider -Oldsquaw -Black Scoter -Surf Scoter -White-winged Scoter -Common Goldeneye -Barrow''s Goldeneye -Bufflehead -Hooded Merganser -Common Merganser -Red-breasted Merganser -Ruddy Duck Vultures -Black Fulture -Turkey Vulture Ospreys -Ospreys Kites -American Swallow-tailed Kite -Mississippi Kite Hawks and Eagles -Bald Eagle -Northern Harrier-Sharp-shinned Hawk -Cooper''s Hawk -Northern Goshawk-Harris'' Hawk -Red-shouldered Hawk -Broad-winged Hawk -Swainson''s Hawk -Red-tailed Hawk -Ferruginous Hawk -Rough-legged Hawk -Golden Eagle -American Kestrel -Merlin -Peregrine Falcon -Gyrfalcon -Prairie Falcon Pheasants -Ring-necked Pheasant Grouse and Prairie-Chickens -Ruffled Grouse -Sage Grouse -Greater Prairie-Chicken -Lesser Prairie-Chicken -Sharp-tailed Grouse Turkeys -Turkey Quail -Northern Bobwhite -Scaled Quail Rails -Yellow Rail -Black Rail -King Rail -Virginia Rail -Sora Gallinules -Purple Gallinule -Common Moorhen-American Coot >Cranes -Sandhill Crane -Whooping Crane Plovers -Black-bellied Plover -Lesser Golden Plover -Snowy Plover -Semipalmated Plover -Piping Plover -Killdeear -Mountain Plover Stilts -Black-necked Stilt Avocets -American Avocet Sandpipers -Greater Yellowlegs -Lesser Yellowlegs -Solitary Sandpiper -Willet -Spotted Sandpiper -Upland Sandpiper -Eskimo Curlew -Whimbrel -Long-billed Curlew -Whimbrel -Long-billed Curlew -Hudsonian Godwit -Marbled Godwit -Ruddy Turnstone -Red Knot -Sanderling -Semipalmated Sandpiper -Western Sandpiper -Least Sandpiper -White-rumped Sandpiper -Baird'?s Sandpiper -Pectoral Sandpiper -Dunlin -Curlew Sandpiper -Stilt Sandpiper -Buff-breasted Sandpiper -Ruff -Short-billed Dowitcher -Long-billed Dowitcher -Common Snipe -American Woodcock Phalaropes -Wilson''s Phalarope -Red-necked Phalarope -Red Phalarope Jaegers -Pomarine Jaeger -Parasitic Jaeger -Long-tailed Jaeger Gulls -Laughing Gull -Franklin''s Gull -Little Gull -Common Black-headed Gull -Bonaparte''s Gull -Ring-billed Gull -California Gull -Herring Gull -Thayer'' Gull -Glaucous Gull -Great Black-backed Gull -Black-legged Kittiwake -Sabine''s Gull Terns -Caspian Tern -Common Tern -Forster''s Tern -Least Tern-Black Tern Skimmers -Black Skimmer Pigeons -Rock Dove -Band-tailed Pigeon Doves -White-winged Dove -Mourning Dove-Passenger Pigeon -Inca Dove -Common Ground-Dove Parakeets -Carolina Parakeet Cuckoos -Black-billed Cuckoo -Yellow-billed Cuckoo -Greater Roadrunner -Groove-billed Ani Owls -Common Barn-Owl -Eastern Screech-Owl -Western Screech-Owl -Great Horned Owl -Snowy Owl -Burrowing Owl -Barred Owl -Long-eared Owl -Short-eared Owl -Northern Saw-whet Owl Goatsuckers -Common Nighthawk -Common Poorwill -Chuck-will''s-widow -Whip-poor-will Swifts -Chimney Swift -White-throated Swift Hummingbirds -Magnificent Hummingbird -Ruby-throated Hummingbird -Black-chinned Hummingbird -Calliope Hummingbird -Broad-tailed Hummingbird -Rufous Hummingbird Kingfishers -Belted Kingfisher Woodpeckers -Lewis'' Woodpecker -Red-headed Woodpecker -Red-bellied Woodpecker -Yellow-bellied Sapsucker -Red-naped Sapsucker -Williamson''s Sapsucker -Ladder-backed Woodpecker -Downy Woodpecker -Hairy Woodpecker -Northern Flicker -Pleated Woodpecker Bibliography Index
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Seller: Once Upon A Time Books
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