For the first time ever, this CD-ROM combines the practical, easy-to-apply biblical teaching of Dr. Charles Stanley with the most extensive search capabilities for in-depth Bible study. Now the insights and complete reference library of this leading Bible teacher are available in one powerful CD-ROM!
-- Charles Stanley's Electronic Bible Study Library lets you search the Word of God along with Pastor Stanley, drawing from his unique insights on key Bible passages in an exciting, interactive format. This remarkable electronic library features the full text of Charles Stanley's best-selling books (see list below).
-- The complete In Touch Bible Study Guide Series is included, as well as many other In Touch resources. You'll discover Pastor Stanley's biblical knowledge on doctrinal issues, such as faith, grace, and repentance, as well as his practical guidance on topics like forgiveness, hope, listening to God, overcoming adversity, and much more.
-- Also provided is an impressive collection of Bible reference tools selected by Pastor Stanley, plus today's most popular Bible translations. Using the familiar Windows "RM" viewer, you can work easily and quickly between various resources to search, cross-reference, and compare translations.
-- This library is completely compatible with Nelson's Electronic Bible Reference Library "TM", and provides a wonderful add-on collection for current users. Equipped with Logos Library System "TM" (LLS) technology, your electronic Bible reference library can be expanded as your reference needs change, making Charles Stanley's Electronic Bible Study Library one of the most complete, flexible, and economical Bible-based electronic libraries youcan own.
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-- Charles Stanley's Electronic Bible Study Library lets you search the Word of God along with Pastor Stanley, drawing from his unique insights on key Bible passages in an exciting, interactive format. This remarkable electronic library features the full text of Charles Stanley's best-selling books (see list below).
-- The complete In Touch Bible Study Guide Series is included, as well as many other In Touch resources. You'll discover Pastor Stanley's biblical knowledge on doctrinal issues, such as faith, grace, and repentance, as well as his practical guidance on topics like forgiveness, hope, listening to God, overcoming adversity, and much more.
-- Also provided is an impressive collection of Bible reference tools selected by Pastor Stanley, plus today's most popular Bible translations. Using the familiar Windows "RM" viewer, you can work easily and quickly between various resources to search, cross-reference, and compare translations.
-- This library is completely compatible with Nelson's Electronic Bible Reference Library "TM", and provides a wonderful add-on collection for current users. Equipped with Logos Library System "TM" (LLS) technology, your electronic Bible reference library can be expanded as your reference needs change, making Charles Stanley's Electronic Bible Study Library one of the most complete, flexible, and economical Bible-based electronic libraries youcan own.

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