"Bees turn the nectar that they collect into honey. To make one teaspoonfull, they must fly an average of 109 miles (175km)."
E.T. discovers that burning wood is better for the planet than burning coal and oil -- as long as we replace the trees. E.T. has collected many so fascinating facts that he has to send them back to his planet to be analysed--and you can analyze them too! in the "Information Overload" panels that border each page of this colorful exploration of the world of plants.
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E.T. discovers that burning wood is better for the planet than burning coal and oil -- as long as we replace the trees. E.T. has collected many so fascinating facts that he has to send them back to his planet to be analysed--and you can analyze them too! in the "Information Overload" panels that border each page of this colorful exploration of the world of plants.

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