The Book of Esther guides us to see God's invisible and providential hand writing human history. Even though God's name is never even mentioned in the book, we can always tell that He is there. But above all, this book presents the life and courage of a great woman, showing how the attributes of courage, dignity, wisdom and strength contributed to blocking a cruel conspiration, remove a high official who was planning a massacre, and replace fear with joy in thousands of homes. Esther is sacred history, but it also reads like a novel. Preachers will find this book to be a great source for sermons.
Esther, A Woman of Strength and Dignity, is written in the style Swindoll is well known for: Interesting and easy to read, but at the same time, with deep truths applicable to everyday living. He analyzes both the heroes and the villains of the story, Vashti, the king, Mordecai, Haaman and Esther. At the same time, he helps us understand the culture and customs of the times, which in turn helps us to better understand the relevance of the choices each one of the protagonists makes. And above all, he gives us a glimpse "behind the curtains" of the silent but defining hand of God in every aspect.
The commentary is enriched with other Bible scripture and passages from other great Christian writers. Above all, each chapter helps the reader to answer the question: "What can I learn from this?" The many lessons are beneficial to both men and women, young and old.