How to put socialism into practice was as fundamental a concern for nineteenth-century socialists as it has been for their successors. In French Socialists before Marx Pamela Pilbeam explores the development of and changes in socialist ideas, revealing how the Fourierists of the 1830s and 1840s changed Fourier's ideas on the family and sexuality, preferring public works programs to model communities. She focuses on the practical contributions of early socialists, including the efforts of working women to run schools, worker associations, and newspapers.
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French Socialists before Marx identifies the major issues for French socialists between 1796 and the 1850s -- revolution, religion, education, the status of women, association, and work. Pilbeam demonstrates that the socialists' answer to emerging capitalist competition and social conflict was association, while conservatives, in contrast, defended a liberal economy and united to persecute, prosecute, and deport socialists.

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