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From the Heart of Saint Alphonsus Excerpts from Saint Alphonsus Liguori

by Norman J. Muckerman

  • ISBN: 9780764808371
  • ISBN10: 0764808370

From the Heart of Saint Alphonsus Excerpts from Saint Alphonsus Liguori

by Norman J. Muckerman

  • Binding: Paperback
  • Publisher: Liguori Pubns
  • Publish date: 05/01/2002
  • ISBN: 9780764808371
  • ISBN10: 0764808370
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Description: Saint Alphonsus was a prolific writer. Revered for his moral teaching and contributions on such matters as Church law, Alphonsus was honored with the title of "Doctor of the Church." But in addition to his scholarly works, Saint Alphonsus wrote devotional pieces in which he spoke from his heart in order to reach other hearts for God. These works of personal piety were written in a simple and engaging style intended for everyone and earned Alphonsus the title of "Doctor of Prayer."

This collection of personal devotions from Saint Alphonsus includes meditations on the Octave of Corpus Christi, for the seven principal feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and in honor of Saint Joseph. Also included are novenas for Christmas, to the Holy Spirit, and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Following the novena tradition, each of the novenas includes successive daily sessions that guide the devotee on a spiritual journey. Each session presents a meditation that focuses on the love that God has shown for us, and a section of affections and prayers prepared to help us respond to that wonderful love. These devotions From the Heart of Saint Alphonsus will lift your spirit and enrich your faith.

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Product notice Returnable at the third party seller's discretion and may come without consumable supplements like access codes, CD's, or workbooks.
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Seller: Bonita
Location: Newport Coast, CA
Condition: Good
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