Preface PART I: THE UNITED STATES AND RUSSIA: TOWARD THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY The United States and Russia: Partnership in the Next Century?; V.A.Kremenyuk United States-Russian Security Relations on the Threshold of the Twenty-first Century; S.Cross PART II: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES FOR US-RUSSIAN MILITARY-SECURITY COOPERATION AFTER THE COLD WAR The Politics of US-Russian Military Cooperation in the Post-Cold War Era; C.P.Danopoulos, A.S.Bukharova, V.M.Gevorgian & S.A.Baburkin Information Technology: US-Russian Perspectives and Potential for Military-Political Cooperation; T.L.Thomas Proliferation Challenges and Nonproliferation Opportunities in the Post-Cold War Era; W.C.Potter PART IIl: NEW DIMENSIONS OF SECURITY FOR THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY The Russian Quest for a New Identity: Implications for Security in Eurasia; I.A.Zevelev Environmental Security: Challenges for the United States and Russia; B.Jancar-Webster & V.I.Sokolov New Directions in US Security Policy and Mexico After Cold War: Democracy, Trade, Migrants and Drugs; E.J.Williams PART IV: POST-COLD WAR REGIONAL CONFLICT: SOURCES, INTERVENTION AND CONSEQUENCES American and Regional Conflict in the Post-Cold/Gulf Era: Some Implications for the Future; G.T.Hammond The Balkan Quagmire: Clash of Civilizations?; V.K.Volkov PART V: MILITARY STRATEGY AND FUTURE WARS Visions of the Battlefields of the Future and America's Response; B.R.Schneider & V.P.Budura Russian Military Doctrine/Strategy, Future Security Threats and Warfare; V.V.Larionov About the Editors and Contributors Index
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