Imagine being a twenty-eight-year-old single woman, working your way up the management consultant ladder, with your own expense account, a fancy gym membership, and salary to spare. Now imagine throwing it all away to hitchhike a country under the iron fist of communism, with a dubious grip on the language, accompanied by a colorful and sometimes frightening menagerie of characters, human and otherwise, and carrying an illegal video camera in your backpack. That's exactly what Karin Muller did. This title comes from the PBS documentary of the same name. PBS will be televising this film several times over the next three years and has an extensive site devoted to it at which has developed a built-in audience. Karin has received thousands of e-mails asking, " Where is the book?" Here it is at last! 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 311 pages, 8 page color well, 7 maps.
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