Many hundreds of thousands of people from all walks of life seed to work and live in the US every year and most of them fail in their attempt because they do not have the necessary information. Armed with the proper information and an informed knowledge of the basic procedures many of these people would have been successful. The US immigration laws are extremely complex and this guide presents them in a form that is easy to understand, along with the author's thirty years of experience on how to best exploit the loopholes and angles that the law provides. From the information contained here it is possible to determine the best approach and means of entry. America is still the easiest country in which a person without money can make their fortune, but the highly coveted Green Card (the US permanent resident visa) is not always the best way to get in. Starchild shows the many other types of visas that are available, and often much easier to obtain, as well as all the angles on getting a Green Card. He then shows you the angles to reduce or avoid taxes once you are in, and how to collect a pension from the US government even though you have had only a short stay in the US. No other guide has attempted to cover this subject in such depth and it is written in easy to understand language. Now you can get ready to pack your bags and head for the future you have always dreamed of. With the information contained in this guide it is all now possible.
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