The best way for students to prepare for success in tomorrow's job market is by developing the right skills today. But what are the skills that employers will be looking for? And how can they be developed? The answers to these and many other important questions can be found in Job Skills for the 21st Century.
This unflinching look at the future job market is the first book that explains and teaches the personal "tools" necessary for success as determined by the Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) from the U.S. Department of Labor. The author has synthesized the commission's findings into 17 Foundation Skills that every worker will need to succeed in a high-performance workplace. These are divided into four categories: basic skills, thinking skills, people skills, and personal qualities.
Every teen who wants to gain an edge in tomorrow's competitive job market should read this important guide today. This book will also be an important resource for teachers, counselors, and other adults who want to help students chart a career direction, set goals, and achieve their dreams.