-- Comprehensive coverage of the latest Solaris, HP-UX and Sequent platforms, and both OLTP and OLAP/DSS applications.
-- Thorough coverage of UNIX and Oracle8i internals not found in other tuning books.
Now, the #1 guide to Oracle tuning on UNIX platforms has been thoroughly updated for Oracle8i. Oracle Senior Performance Engineer Ahmed Alomari covers every relevant optimization technique for every leading application and development approach -- including Web-centered development! Alomari presents in-depth coverage of both OLTP and OLAP/DSS applications, covering optimization of the UNIX kernel, memory, processors and I/O, key benchmarking and lifecycle issues, and all these major Oracle8/8i performance enhancements: Partitioning, star queries, parallel DML, the Connection Manager, connection pooling, multiple buffer pools, Parallel query enhancements, I/O slaves, multiple DBWR processes, optimizer and PRO*C enhancements, and more. Discover Oracle8/8i and UNIX installation options that supercharge performance. Learn new techniques for optimizing object-relational databases. Ruthlessly eliminate the bottlenecks in your SQL code. No matter how long you've been running Oracle and UNIX, you'll run them faster -- and smarter -- with Oracle8i & UNIX Performance Tuning.