In this powerful new book, John Gray turns his successful Mars and Venus healing advice towards living in modern times and expands his audience through new advice on love and all relationships -- from couples to friends to parents and beyond. Exhorting readers everywhere to commit to changing themselves and return to what's most important in order to create a life of lasting love, health, and happiness, John Gray provides eight principles to live by:
-- Believe as if miracles are truly possible
-- Dance as if no one is watching
-- Learn as if you are still a beginner
-- Love as if you've never been hurt
-- Give as if you have everything you want
-- Work as if don't need the money
-- Relax as if everything is okay
-- Talk to God as if someone is really listening.
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-- Believe as if miracles are truly possible
-- Dance as if no one is watching
-- Learn as if you are still a beginner
-- Love as if you've never been hurt
-- Give as if you have everything you want
-- Work as if don't need the money
-- Relax as if everything is okay
-- Talk to God as if someone is really listening.
John Gray once again helps readers live a rich and fulfilling life. Practical Miracles for Mars and Venus presents an inspiring message of self-acceptance and joy for the new millennium.

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