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This book covers the problems and the solutions which arise when wood and
This book covers the problems and the solutions which arise when wood and other building materials suffer from any of the many types of decay which can arise due to damp, fungal or insect attack. It deals with all aspects of remedial treatment, from theinitial survey to how to replace materials effectively when deterioration has progressed too far. Improved diagnostic recommendations, particularly in relation to dampness, are included in this thoroughly revised second edition. As well as updating the terminology, Barry Richardson has added a chapter on health and safety in relation to remedialtreatments, a subject of great importance because of the increasingly stringent health and environmental controls. The general descriptions of remedial treatments are followed by seven appendices which are designed as convenient reference sources forarchitects, surveyors, engineers and contractors. 'This book covers in considerable detail some of the more far reaching defects in buildings and how they are best remedied. '-The ASI Journal, November 1995.
This book covers the problems and the solutions that arise when wood and other building materials suffer from any of the many types of decay that can arise due to dampness, fungus, or insect attack. It deals with all aspects of remedial treatment, from the initial survey to how to replace materials effectively when deterioration has progressed too far.
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This book covers the problems and the solutions which arise when wood and
This book covers the problems and the solutions which arise when wood and other building materials suffer from any of the many types of decay which can arise due to damp, fungal or insect attack. It deals with all aspects of remedial treatment, from theinitial survey to how to replace materials effectively when deterioration has progressed too far. Improved diagnostic recommendations, particularly in relation to dampness, are included in this thoroughly revised second edition. As well as updating the terminology, Barry Richardson has added a chapter on health and safety in relation to remedialtreatments, a subject of great importance because of the increasingly stringent health and environmental controls. The general descriptions of remedial treatments are followed by seven appendices which are designed as convenient reference sources forarchitects, surveyors, engineers and contractors. 'This book covers in considerable detail some of the more far reaching defects in buildings and how they are best remedied. '-The ASI Journal, November 1995.
This book covers the problems and the solutions which arise when wood and
This book covers the problems and the solutions which arise when wood and other building materials suffer from any of the many types of decay which can arise due to damp, fungal or insect attack. It deals with all aspects of remedial treatment, from theinitial survey to how to replace materials effectively when deterioration has progressed too far. Improved diagnostic recommendations, particularly in relation to dampness, are included in this thoroughly revised second edition. As well as updating the terminology, Barry Richardson has added a chapter on health and safety in relation to remedialtreatments, a subject of great importance because of the increasingly stringent health and environmental controls. The general descriptions of remedial treatments are followed by seven appendices which are designed as convenient reference sources forarchitects, surveyors, engineers and contractors. 'This book covers in considerable detail some of the more far reaching defects in buildings and how they are best remedied. '-The ASI Journal, November 1995.