These new Anime-style books follow the action adventures of a smart, popular, and athletic 10-year-old girl named Sakura, who discovers a magical deck of cards in her attic. Each card has a picture of a legendary creature on it. When the cards accidentally fly away, it's up Sakura to recapture them -- otherwise the creatures will unleash havoc upon the world. Saukra receives help from her family and friends -- and an adorable sidekick, Kero, who was supposed to be guarding the cards!
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A mysterious boy named Lee joins Sakura's class. He seems to possess the same kind of magic that she does. He, too, is a cardcaptor, but is he a friend or foe?
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Returnable at the third party seller's discretion and may come without consumable supplements like access codes, CD's, or workbooks.
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