Taking Europe Seriously: the Rise of the EC
- List Price: $35.00
- Binding: Hardcover
- Publisher: St. Martin's Press
- Publish date: 12/01/2007
This important analysis provides vital new insights on the intra-European, trans-Atlantic and superpower relations that have brought twelve states in Western Europe beyond their history of hostility and conflicts. Simon Serfaty examines the European Community to which these nations have progressively transferred much of their national sovereignty and many of their national values during the forty years of the Cold War. Concentrating on the central characters of France, Germany, and Great Britain; the author discusses the implications of recent changes, including the merger of the two German states, the disintegration of the Soviet Empire, and a shifting U.S. military presence on the Continent. As its economic power and political influence grows and it looks ahead towards the single economic market and monetary union which seems inevitable, this Community must now be taken seriously as an emerging superstate. How this will effect Europe, both internally and in its relationship with the United States, is the subject of this thoughtful, timely book.
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