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The History of Al-Tabari (volume30)

by C.E. Bosworth

  • ISBN: 9780887065668
  • ISBN10: 088706566X

The History of Al-Tabari (volume30)

by C.E. Bosworth

  • List Price: $36.95
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Publisher: State Univ of New York Pr
  • Publish date: 09/01/1989
  • ISBN: 9780887065668
  • ISBN10: 088706566X
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Description: Preface Abbreviations Translator''s Foreword Genealogical Table of the 'Abbasids Genealogical Table of the Barmaki Family of Secretaries and Viziers Maps 1. Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and the Eastern Provinces during the Reigns of al-Hadi and al-Rashid 2. The Arab-Byzantine Marches during This Period The Caliphate of Musa al-Hadi The Events of the Year 169 (cont''d) (785/786) The Succession of Musa al-Hadi as Caliph on His Father al-Mahdi''s Death and His New Administrative Appointments Musa al-Hadi''s Repression of the Dualist Infidels The Remainder of the Events of This Year The Revolt and Killing of al-Husayn b. 'Ali Idris b. 'Abdallah b. Hasan''s Escape to the Maghrib and His Foundation of the Idrisid Dynasty in Morocco More Accounts of the Battle of Fakhkh and Its Aftermath Various Items of Information The Events of the Year 170 (786/787) The Reason Why al-Khayzuran Had Ordered the Slave Girls to Kill al-Hadi The Time of al-Hadi''s Death, the Term of His Life, the Extent of His Rule and (the Names of) Those Who Led the Worship over Him Mention of His Children Some of the Historical Events Involving Him and Some Aspects of His Behavior The Caliphate of Harun al-Rashid The Events of the Year 170 (cont''d) (786/787) Harun''s Assumption of the Caliphate on Musa al-Hadi''s Death Harun''s Official Appointments and Dismissals The Events of the Year 171 (787/788) The Events of the Year 172 (788/789) The Events of the Year 173 (789/790) The Death of Muhammad b. Sulayman and the Confiscation of His Fortune The Time of al-Khayzuran''s Death and Her Burial The Events of the Year 174 (790/791) The Events of the Year 175 (791/792) The Reasons for al-Rashid''s Exacting Allegiance to Muhammad al-Amin as Heir The Events of the Year 176 (792/793) Yahya b. 'Abdallah b. Hasan''s Uprising and His Role in These Events Yahya b. 'Abdallah al-'Alawi''s Altercation with Bakkar b. 'Abdallah al-Zubayri Al-Rashid''s Repudiation of Yahya b. 'Abdallah''s Guarantee of Safe- Conduct More Accusations from the Zubayri Family against Yahya b. 'Abdallah al-'Alawi The Internecine Strife (fitnah) among the North and South Arabs in Syria The Reason behind al-Rashid''s Appointment of Ja'far al-Barmaki over Egypt and the Latter''s Appointment of ''Umar b. Mihran (as His Deputy) over It The Events of the Year 577 (793/794) The Events of the Year 178 (794/795) Harthamah b. A'yan Restores Order in Ifriqiyah Al-Fadl b. Yahya''s Governorship in Khurasan and the Poetic Eulogies of Him The Events of the Year 179 (795/796) The Events of the Year 180 (796/797) The Outcome of the Factional Strife in Syria and the Poetic Eulogies of Ja'far b. Yahya, Restorer of Order There Ja'far b. Yahya''s Return from Syria and His Address of Thanks to the Caliph Various Items of Information The Events of the Year 181 (797/798) The Events of the Year 182 (798/799) The Events of the Year 183 (799/800) The Khazar Invasion of Armenia Various Items of Information The Events of the Year 182 (800/801) The Events of the Year 185 (805/802) The Events of the Year 186 (802) Al-Rashid''s Succession Arrangements for His Three Sons The Taking of the Solemn Oaths in the Ka'bah by the Two Princes Text of the Document Laying Down Conditions Which 'Abdallah Son of the Commander of the Faithful Wrote Out in His Own Hand in the Ka'bah The Text of the Letter of Harun b. Muhammad, al-Rashid, to the Provincial Governors Al-Rashid''s Subsequent Renewal of the Succession Pledges to alMa''mun and al-Qasim at Qarmasin The Events of the Year 187 (802/803) The Reason for al-Rashid''s Killing of Ja'far al-Barmaki, the Manner of His Killing, and What al-Rashid Did to Him and the Members of His Family Ja'far''s Alleged Connivance with the Release of the 'Alid Yahya b. 'Abdallah b. Hasan The Barmakis'' Wealth and Ostentation as a Reason for Their Fall The Barmakis'' Growing Fears of the Caliph''s Threatening Intentions The Alleged Misconduct between Ja'far and the Caliph''s Sister 'Abbasah The Killing of Ja'far Poetry Written on the Fall of the Barmakis Al-Rashid''s Anger against 'Abd al-Malik b. Salih and His Consequent Imprisonment Al-Qasim''s Raid into the Byzantine Lands The Correspondence between the Byzantine Emperor Nicephorus and al-Rashid on the Occasion of the Former''s Breaking the Peace Agreement, and the Caliph''s Punitive Measures against the Byzantines Al-Rashid''s Killing of Ibrahim b. 'Uthman b. Nahik The Events of the Year 188 (803/804) The Events of the Year 189 (804/805) Al-Rashid''s Journeying to al-Rayy in Order to Investigate Complaints against the Governor of Khurasan, 'Ali b. 'Isa b. Mahan, and His Confirmation of 'Ali in Office Al-Rashid Receives the Allegiance of the Local Rulers of the Caspian Provinces and Daylam, and Appoints Various Governors in Western Persia and Eastern Arabia Al-Rashid''s Return to Iraq The Events of the Year 190 (805/806) The Reason behind Raft'' b. Layth''s Revolt Various Campaigns by al-Rashid against the Byzantines and Diplomatic Exchanges with the Emperor Nicephorus The Events of the Year 191 (806/807) Various Raids into the Byzantine Lands, and Measures against the Protected Peoples The Reason for al-Rashid''s Dismissal of 'Ali b.'Isa and His Anger against Him Al-Rashid''s Letter Dismissing 'All b. 'Isa and His Charge to Harthamah What Befell Harthamah in the Course of His Journey to Khurasan, and What Happened to 'Ali b. 'Isa and His Sons Harthamah''s Letter to al-Rashid Announcing the Successful Completion of His Mission Al-Rashid''s Answer to Harthamah''s Letter The Events of the Year 192 (807/808) Al-Rashid''s Preparations for His Journey to Khurasan Al-Rashid''s Serious Medical Condition and His Premonitions of Death Various Items of Information The Events of the Year 193 (808/809) The Illness and Death of al-Fadl b. Yahya al-Barmaki Al-Rashid''s Journey from Jurjan to Tus Al-Rashid''s Vengeance on Rafi' b. Layth''s Brother Bashir The Occasion of al-Rashid''s Death and the Place Where He Died The Governors in the Provincial Capitals in Harun al-Rashid''s Reign Some Aspects of al-Rashid''s Conduct and Mode of Life Al-Rashid''s (Free) Wives Who Were Endowed with Substantial Dowries (al-maha''ir) Al-Rashid''s Children More Aspects of al-Rashid''s Conduct and Mode of Life Bibliography of Cited Works Index
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