The Natural History of Religion
- List Price: $18.20
- Binding: Paperback
- Edition: 1
- Publisher: Pearson
- Publish date: 12/13/1991
CONTENTS Editor's Introduction vii Bibliography xxix A Note on the Text xxxii THE NATURAL HISTORY OF RELIGION Introduction 3 1. That Polytheism was the Primary Religion of Men 4 2. Origin of Polytheism 8 3. The Same Subject Continued 11 4. Deities Not Considered as Creators of Formers of the World 16 5. Various Forms of Polytheism: Allegory, Hero-Worship 24 6. Origin of Theism from Polytheism 29 7. Confirmation of this Doctrine 34 8. Flux and Reflux of Polytheism and Theism 36 9. Comparison of these Religions with Regard to Persecution and Toleration 38 10. With Regard to Courage or Abasement 43 11. With Regard to Reason or Absurdity 45 12. With Regard to Doubt or Conviction 47 13. Impious Conceptions of the Divine Nature in Popular Religions of Both Kinds 62 14. Bad Influence of Popular Religions on Morality 67 15. General Corollary 73
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