Our authors confidently and critically report on a wide range of topics that matter to readers. In fact, our authors were handpicked to provide this kind of street-smart honesty because they feel passionate about the subjects they cover. As a result, savvy readers are armed with all the facts needed to not only accomplish what they need to, but to get it right the first time.
To be absolutely certain that each and every Unofficial Guide provides the most authoritative, up-to-date information available, a minimum of three "official" experts comprising the "Unofficial Panel" painstakingly reviews the book to ensure factual accuracy of all data.
Take a look at the tried-and-true track record of the Unofficial Guide travel books -- with more than three million copies in print -- and refer your lifestyle customers to the unbiased, opinionated, and authoritative advice that they need as they tackle an important project. Each Unofficial Guide delivers the following:
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Everyone has heard that eating too much cholesterol and fat will lead to heart disease, that no matter how many diets Americans endure they are still overweight, that inappropriate food choices can lead to adult-onset diabetes yet most people seem to have more and more difficulty meeting their bodies' nutritional needs. Clearly they are eating more, but they aren't eating smart. The Unofficial Guide to Smart Nutrition shows readers:
-- What the USDA Food Pyramid reveals -- and what it doesn't
-- Why frozen is better than canned but fresh is the best of all
-- What the food industry doesn't want you to know about luncheon meats
-- Why vitamin and mineral supplements can't rescue a poor diet
-- Which chemicals in foods may cause illness, and how to avoid carcinogens
-- How to make a superior peanut butter and jelly sandwich