Vote, get out and vote! Victorious Democracy - Embracing Life and Patriotic Services of Hon. William J. Bryan expounds on the policy, issues and services within the Democratic Party in the 1900s. Books such as Victorious Democracy were sold and they answered most of the voter's questions. This book was the voter's argument settler at the time.When originally published in 1900 its publisher said, ''The Democratic Party, founded on the principles of the Declaration of Independence and having at the head of its roll of honor the illustrious name of the author of that immortal document, has always stood, preeminently as the party of the people. Ever true to the principles on which it was founded has been the champion of the masses in their struggles against the oppression of the classes.''''In the services to the nation of Abraham Lincoln, the Rail-splitter; of James A. Garfield, the canal-boy; of James G. Blaine, the school-master; of the hosts of men who have risen from poverty and obscurity to place and power, the splendid possibilities of American citizenship have been amply demonstrated.It is with these possibilities that this little book has to do. For it no literary merit is claimed. It goes to the public as the simple and hastily written life-history of one who, unaided by inherited wealth, or environment, other than that of the great common people with whom he has cast his lot, has risen from obscurity to world-wide fame.''''This book deals with facts, not surmises or idle compliments. It is not intended as a feather in the plume of knighted hero, or banner upon the wall of moated castle. Its only purpose is to familiarize the people with one who, by force of ability, and unswerving honesty, has, like the martyr, Lincoln, won his way to fame.''Hon. William J. Bryan (1860-1925) was the fearless and brilliant leader of the people and campaigned unsuccessfully for the residency of the United States in 1896, 1900, and 1908. He was famous for his impassioned ''Cross of Gold'' speech advocating free silver (1896) and for his defense of fundamentalism in the Scopes trial (1925). Included in Victorious Democracy is a sketch from the beginning of his career to the high position he held in the affections of his countrymen -- an affection won by his devotion and loyalty to the welfare of the toiling masses of America.Adlai E. Stevenson (1835-1914) was the twenty-third Vice-President of the United States during President Cleveland's second term (1893-1887). As Vice-President Mr. Stevenson made one of the most dignified and urbane presiding officers that the United States Senate had ever known. At the close of the Cleveland administration, in March 1897, Mr. Stevenson devoted himself to his law practice, and was in constant demand as a speaker at important public gatherings.
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