Since 1849, "Who's Who has offered an international listing of the most prominent and important people in politics, the arts, business, the sciences, sports--in short, virtually every field of endeavor. "Who's Who gives the reader instant access to the backgrounds, life histories, and interests of thousands of distinguished personalities. This unusually detailed primary reference, collects and compiles information found nowhere else. Included is information on each individual's family, education, honors and awards, significant achievements, past and present occupations, recreations, and addresses. In the case of artists, performers, architects and writers, the book offers an extensive listing of major works with dates of completion. A strictly anonymous editorial board selects influential people from around the world for listing in this reference book. Thousands of business people, journalists, diplomats, politicians, and students rely on this original, annually updated "Who's Who as their primary source of biographical data on the world's most notable people.
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