When you are faced with an injury or sudden illness in a remote location it is essential to know what to look for and what to do. Wilderness First Aid: Emergency Care for Remote Locations is your comprehensive guide. This indispensable book provides instant, up-to-date information on how to handle common injuries and illnesses when medical care is an hour or more away. Easy to follow, Wilderness First Aid directs you through the most appropriate type of care. Features of the book include full color photographs and illustrations help prepare you for actual emergencies; flow-charts serve as quick review of appropriate first aid procedures; prevention boxes provide information on how to avert injuries and illnesses; Do Not boxes highlight what not to do when treating illness and injury; pediatric notes provide specific information on the treatment of infants and children; and advanced skills are boxed and easily located. This is the official collaboration between the Wilderness Medical Society, the largest membership society in the world devoted to wilderness medical issues, and the National Safety Council, the world's leading authority on safety/injury education.
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