It is with great pleasure, yes, pleasure, that I endorse this book by Dr. Eileen L. Berman -- You're Fired! A Unique Approach to Rebuilding Your Life. The story of Bob is very much like my own. I had the distinct benefit of learning the power of the 7 Cs from Dr. Berman. Not long ago, I was cruising on a fast track in a multinational company. The company was taken over and I had to face all the emotional roller coaster that Bob faced. The step-by-step process that Dr. Berman has recounted in this book helped me immensely in rebuilding my self-confidence and launch a successful new career. Now I am happier than ever before! We are closer as a family. Anyone having to face the sudden disruption in life, like Bob in this book, will find a treasure house of support. I assure you, the reader, that there is light at the end of the tunnel and the 7Cs can get you there!