Seller Rating System

As a Buyer, it is up to you to accurately classify the level of service provided by a Seller. As Buyers accumulate experience with individual Sellers, they are offered the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience. This feedback is made in the form of a rating scale with associated comments. All future Buyers who visit the Akademos web site can view these ratings and comments. The following scale applies:

5 Stars - Excellent
4 Stars - Very Good
3 Stars - Good
2 Stars - Fair
1 Stars - Poor

Maintaining a positive seller rating is an excellent way for Sellers to stand out on the Akademos web site and increase their sales volume. In order to keep their rating high, Sellers are encouraged to accurately classify the quality of the books they list for sale, to offer fair and competitive pricing, and to confirm and ship all orders in an efficient and timely manner.

Buyers may not use the Seller rating system as a forum for personal assaults on individual Sellers. We are looking for critiques of the purchased book that reflect on the Seller's rating of the book's quality and other purchase-related themes. Providing accurate feedback regarding your own purchasing experiences is important to our process of rating our Sellers and so to your overall shopping experience at Akademos.

Akademos is not legally responsible for the remarks that users post on its site, even if those remarks are defamatory. Akademos provides its seller ratings as a place where users can express their opinions, and Akademos will not censor these opinions, or investigate the remarks for accuracy. However, there are a few limited circumstances where Akademos will remove ratings:

  • Ratings that contains any link to another page, picture, or JavaScript.
  • The Seller rating contains profane or vulgar language, or adult material. Inflammatory language, such as "fraud, liar, cheater, scam artist, con man" etc. is strongly discouraged but will not be removed.
  • Ratings that contains personal identifying information about a user, including real name, address, phone number, or e-mail address.
  • Ratings that makes any reference to an Akademos or law enforcement organization investigation, i.e., "Akademos is investigating this person".

Members are permitted to leave feedback for Sellers up to ninety (90) days after the confirmation date of the referenced order. Feedback left after ninety days will be subject to review and possible deletion by Akademos.

Seller Rating Removal

To ensure that this forum is used for its proper purpose and not abused, Akademos has some basic rules that must be followed, and Akademos will remove feedback in a few limited situations:

  • If Akademos is provided with a valid court order finding that the disputed feedback is slanderous, libelous, defamatory or otherwise illegal, or with a settlement agreement resolving such a lawsuit submitted by both attorneys and signed by both parties, Akademos will remove the disputed feedback.
  • Akademos will also accept a ruling from a certified dispute resolution service if a signed settlement agreement, overseen by the certified dispute resolution service, is submitted.
  • Akademos also may remove feedback if Akademos (in its sole discretion) determines that it contributed, in whole or in part, to the cause of the dispute.