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Disentitlement? the Threats Facing Our Public Health-Care Programs and a Rights-Based Response

by Timothy S. Jost

  • ISBN: 9780195151435
  • ISBN10: 0195151437

Disentitlement? the Threats Facing Our Public Health-Care Programs and a Rights-Based Response

by Timothy S. Jost

  • List Price: $71.00
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Edition: 5
  • Publisher: Oxford Univ Pr
  • Publish date: 04/01/2003
  • ISBN: 9780195151435
  • ISBN10: 0195151437
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Description: "...a timely and important book. ...Efforts to privatize, devolve, andindividualize health insurance may resonate with many lawmakers and members ofthe American public, particularly in these times of an uncertain economy andexpanding government deficits; but Professor Jost's book reminds us that we needto carefully examine the premises and promises of these reform initiatives."--The Journal of Legal Medicine"
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