Foreword by Senator Sam Nunn Preface The Farewell Address: Washington's Declaration of Independence in Foreign Policy Jefferson's First Inaugural: The Revolutionary as Reconciler The Monroe Doctrine: The Whispered Warning The Jackson Bank Veto: The First War against the Eastern Establishment Polk's Inaugural: Action as Eloquence The Gettysburg Address: The Great American Poem The Cleveland Tariff Message: The Battle Against Big Business The Big Stick: Monroe Doctrine la Theodore Roosevelt Wilson's Declaration of War: A Latter-Day Paul on Mars Hill The Sesquicentennial Address: The Sermon at the Shrine Franklin Roosevelt's First Inaugural: The Rhetoric of Recovery Harry Truman's Acceptance: The Turnip Day Talk Eisenhower's Farewell Address: An Old Soldier's Warning The Kennedy Inaugural: A Young Warrior's Call to Arms President Nixon's Toast to Chairman Mao: The Beijing Breakthrough The Reagan Address at the Palace of Westminster: A Prophecy for a Free World Bibliography Index
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