Introduction by Ronald M. Glassman, William H. Swatos, Jr., and Paul L. Rosen Part I: The Problem From Government over Persons to the Administration of Things: Marx and Engels on Bureaucracy by Wolfgang Schluchter Max Weber and the Possibilities for Socialism by Ernest Kilker Max Weber and the Crisis of Liberal Democracy by Wolfgang J. Mommsen Conflicts Between Legal and Bureaucratic Systems of Authority by Ronald M. Glassman Part II: Authoritarian Tendencies in Modern Bureaucracies Social Rights in the Welfare State: The Contrast Between Adjudication and Administration in the United States by Kathi V. Friedman The Patient at Peril: Hospital Bureaucracy and Medical Records by Paul L. Rosen The Moral Ethos of Bureaucracy by Robert Jackall Bureaucracy and Civil Liberties: The FBI Story by Kenneth O'Reilly Bureaucracy and Rationalization in the Soviet Police by William M. Jones Part III: Some Proposed Solutions in Service to Democracy Power versus Liberty in the Welfare State: A Bill of Rights for Social Service Beneficiaries by Ira Glasser "Constitutionalizing" Corporations: An Employee Bill of Rights by Ralph Nader, Mark Green, and Joel Seligman Industrial Democracy in the Era of the Corporate Leviathan by Robert Dahl The Need for a Legislative Ombudsman by Donald C. Rowat Quality Circles: Implications for American management by Lisa K. Armour Epilogue: Bureaucracy and Its Discontents by William H. Swatos, Jr. Notes Bibliography Index About the Contributors
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