With this definitive edition of the poems of the beloved Irish poet William Butler Yeats, Scribner assumes the publication of The Collected Works of W. B. Yeats series: 14 volumes, overseen by eminent Yeats scholars Richard J. Finneran and George Mills Harper, representing virtually all of the Nobel Laureate's published work, and including authoritative and explanatory notes. The first five volumes in the Collected Works series were originally published by Macmillan; the remaining nine volumes, including the heart of Yeats's body of work, will be brought out by Scribner on lists to come.
Providing accurate texts of all of the poems by Yeats published in his lifetime or scheduled for publication at the time of his death, including those omitted from earlier collections, The Poems is the top-selling of the Collected Works volumes, and it has been in demand steadily since its original appearance in 1989.